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New article on migrant trajectories and organized violence by Ximena Alba Villalever and Stephanie Schütze

News from Apr 15, 2021

The article "Trayectorias migratorias y violencia organizada en el corredor Centroamérica-México-Estados Unidos" (Migrant trajectories and organized violence in the migration corridor Central America-Mexico-United States) by ForMOVe members Ximena Alba Villalever and Stephanie Schütze was recently published at the journal PERIPLOS. It is part of an thematic issue focusing on "Corredores migratorios en América Latina: nuevos flujos migratorios, nuevas territorialidades, nuevas restricciones" (Migrant corridors in Latin America: new migrant flows, new territorialities, new restrictions).

In the articl the authors reflect on the experiences of forced migrants in transit through Mexico in the face of organized violence. With a cross-sectional analysis that focuses on the responses of the State to this type of migration and on the binational policies that arise from the unequal relations between nations, which are materialized in the externalization of borders, our researchers are interested in understanding, from the perspective of migrants, the different forms of organized violence they face in their journeys and how these transform the paths they take to try to reach their destinations, as well as their perceptions of migration. The article is based on ethnographic work carried out within the framework of the ForMOVe project between 2019 and 2020, and focuses specifically on two cases of migrants from Honduras.

The article, written in Spanish, is availiable via open access and can be download here.

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