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Last week ForMOVe met online for the biannual team meeting

News from Apr 01, 2021

On march 23, 2021 both teams, from Freie Universität Berlin and from Ruhr-Universität Bochum, met for a daylong digital workshop to discuss ForMOVe's progress.

The morning we spent discussing the final version of the project's guiding assumptions, fruitfully combining different disciplinary and methodological approaches.

Afterwards Berna Zülfikar presented first results from the quantitative data that we collected with the help of our research partners at the Turkish-German University in Istanbul. We are looking very much forward to compare these first insights into the relation of forced migration and organized violence with the data collected in Mexico as well as to relate these findings with the biographical interviews with migrants in transit in Mexico and Turkey.

In the afternoon, we talked about possible social media strategies to share the project's results with a broader public and to interconect with other researchers and projects related to our main topics. Soon you will find ForMOVe on the social media platform twitter!

We ended our team meeting discussing upcoming publications and the possibilities of holding two international workshops during the current year.

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