With masks and distance: ForMOVE team meeting in Bochum
The ForMOVe Team at the team meeting under Covid-19 conditions in August 2020.
Image Credit: ForMOVe
The ForMOVe Team at the team meeting under Covid-19 conditions in August 2020 .
Image Credit: ForMOVe
News from Sep 14, 2020
In the end of August 2020 the team of Freie Universität Berlin joined their partners at Ruhr Universität Bochum for the third ForMOVE team meeting to discuss the project's progress. We interchanged strategies to analize the qualitative interviews already conducted at the beginning of this year in Mexico and Turkey and talked about upcoming publications.
In a fruitful virtual conference with our partners at German-Turkish University Istanbul and Benémerita Universidad Autónoma Puebla we planned the conduction of the quantitative questionnaire in Turkey and Mexico.
Special attention was given to adjust the planned events and field work stays to the changed circumstances due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
If it should then be possible with regard to the development of the pandemic, the next team meeting will take place in february 2021 in Berlin.