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Ludger Pries and Berna Zülfikar at FFVT 2021 Workshop

News from Oct 05, 2021

Last week, on Wednesday (29th of September) our project director Ludger Pries and our project coordinator Berna Zülfikar presented at panel 3 of the Workshop "Comparative Forced Migration and Refugee Studies - reflexive, postcolonial, international" of the project "FFVT" - "Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer", which belongs to the IMIS - Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies in Osnabrück. As a part of the Panel about "Diverse Parameters of Comprative Forced Migration Reserach or Internal and International Displacement: Comparing Drivers, Geographies and Groups", they presented on the meaning of Mexico and Turkey for forced migrants as transit countries.

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