Our ForMOVe partners finished the conduction of the survey in Turkey and Mexico
A migrant is interviewed by a BUAP team member in a migrant shelter in Caborca, Sonora.
Image Credit: Team of BUAP
A BUAP team member is interviewing a migrant at the mexican National Migration Institute (INM) in Tapachula, Chiapas.
Image Credit: Team of BUAP
News from Dec 14, 2020
Our partner teams from Türk-Alman Üniversitesi in Istanbul (TAU) and Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) both finished the conduction of our ForMOVe survey in Turkey and in Mexico. Despite the difficult circumstances caused by the pandemic, they successfully managed to conduct over 350 surveys per country. Of course, the teams of TAU and BUAP have always taken care to conduct the survey under the necessary hygiene conditions to avoid endangering either the participants or themselves. The questionnaires were applied at different locations along popular migrant routes and in residential areas popular with migrants.
We look forward to evaluating the material and are sure that it will provide new and interesting insights into the relationship between organized violence and forced migration.